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What Paint Should You Use for Murals?

Murals are a great way to increase your business’s recognition both through foot traffic and online engagement.  They also provide a warm, welcoming atmosphere, boost employee morale, and help your business stand out.  But if you’re considering a mural for your business, it’s important to use the right paint.

Mural Paint Options

A lot goes into painting a stunning mural that augments your business.  From designing the perfect concept to represent your brand’s message and share your company’s personality, to prepping the surface and creating the final product, it’s important you hire a muralist that will work with you to help you meet your objectives and increase your return on investment (ROI).

Whether your mural will be placed indoors or outside in the elements, you’ll want a professional who knows exactly what to do to keep the masterpiece looking vibrant for years to come.  Part of ensuring your eye-catching mural looks amazing is using the proper paints.  There are several types of paint that can be used to create murals: 

  1. Acrylic paint: This is a popular choice for murals because it dries quickly, is water-soluble (while wet), and can be thinned with water. Acrylic paint is also resistant to fading and discoloration over time.
  2. Oil paint: Oil paint is known for its rich, lustrous finish and is a good choice for murals that will be viewed up close. However, it takes a long time to dry (often several days), has a strong smell, and requires the use of solvents for cleanup.
  3. Latex paint: Latex paint is a water-based paint that is generally easier to clean up than oil-based paint. It is also less expensive and has less of an odor than oil paint. However, it may not have the same level of durability as oil or acrylic paint, and it may fade or discolor over time.

Obviously, not all paint is created equal.  In addition to these different types of mediums, there are also different levels of quality in each of the categories.  High-quality paints will boast of much richer pigments, have a smoother consistency, be easier to mix, layer, and blend, and will be more resistant to fading when exposed to light.  They just last longer and look better.  Some paints also hold up better when exposed to water or intense sunlight than others.

Why Hire a Professional 

It’s important to turn to a professional because they will have the skills, experience, and expertise to create a stunning mural that meets your vision and requirements.  They’ll be able to help manage the project from start to finish and ensure the mural is completed on time and within budget while also guaranteeing an impressive outcome.  Plus, a professional muralist will use the proper materials and techniques to enhance the mural’s durability and will be able to troubleshoot any unforeseen problems that may arise. 

At Boundless Walls, our expert muralist uses top-quality acrylic paint that can withstand the elements and hold up over time.  It also dries quickly, reducing the disruption to your daily business as well as labor hours and associated costs.  Our team takes care to prep the mural’s surface properly with a thorough cleaning and excellent primer, and the final product is covered in a coat of varnish to add further protection from the environment, scuffs, and stains.  Our careful process ensures your business mural will stay vibrant for years, regardless of the surface texture.  

Our team can help bring your ideas to life in a visually appealing and impactful way, working closely with you to develop a design that reflects your business and resonates with your target audience.  It’s important to create something that integrates with your brand while also effectively meeting your objectives.  If you’re looking for a professional muralist to help your business attract new customers and dazzle existing ones, contact us to discuss your project.

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